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Writing and producing a #1 hit in the US

A ZROQ story

Around 2013

I was in Amsterdam hanging out in the studio from my good old schoolfriend Fabian Lenssen.There I met R3hab who was doing some projects there as well. He came to me and asked me to write music for a project with Nervo for an album to release soon. He gave me the acapella vocals, and I started jamming with these on the same evening at home. I really enjoyed the good quality of the vocals, and wrote about 4 different chord lines to it. At the end of the evening I had to make a hard choice to decide which final chords I like the most and was going to use. All of them did fit perfectly to the vocals. Than I decided to write a melody and see which chords would fit best to that.

The melody was pretty similar to the song WTF?!

The melody was pretty similar to the song WTF?! , that I wrote some months before in LA for a club track. The style of the melody was inspired on old TV shows, like “The Persuaders”.  Now I had a new melody written on chords which did fit perfectly to the vocal as well. I was able to make a final choice in about one hour. Than I finished the entire track by adding a bass line, programming the complete drums, and added some FX.

That same evening I had the full track ready, except for a long version arrangement. But in my opinion it was good enough to deliver it the next day in the studio. They guys in the studio loved the version, they all listened to it. There was always a group of visiting producers and artists coming down in the studio. and it was always a hectic day when I passed by there. Everyone was working , it was like a music factory. 
The track I wrote got accepted by the label in New York , and a music video was made. Than the track got to #1 in no time ! 

Eventhough i wrote and produced the entire music by myself, I still could have never done this all by myself alone. Because it was an entire team who took care of every aspect.  Also, If R3hab did not ask me to write the music , than this all would have never happened in the first place. 

Creating a #1 hit in the US is basically an entire team working on that project where everyone has its specific job to make that happen. 

The track got to #1 in no time ! 


Astralwerks Records, US
Music written and produced by ZROQ